Did you shake hands with someone today?
If you answer “Yes”, let me ask you a disturbing question: Do you know what that hand touched before it touched you?
Here’s a scientific fact: The hand you held probably contained millions of germs. I’m not joking. What kind of germs? The kind of germs that kills human beings. Every square inch of that hand was probably covered with layers upon layers of germs.
Here’s my question: Why aren’t you dying? Why aren’t you even getting sick? Everyday, you shake hands with people—and you seem to be okay.
Here’s the truth: Germs don’t cause sickness. (Germs are everywhere!)
I know that’s a controversial statement, but it’s the truth.
So if germs don’t cause sickness, what does?
A weak immune system.
I’m sharing this to you today to make you understand what cases us to sin…
(To continue reading Bo's inspiring article, click here.)
PS. Attention: Singles Searching For Their One True Love… I’d like to personally invite you to join my OneTrueLoveClub. This is a perfect time to join the Club because on April 19, 7:30pm, my friend and Relationship Expert Rissa Singson-Kawpeng (author of Confessions of an Impatient Bride) will host our first “for-members-only” Webinar especially for women. From one woman to another, she’ll share her heart to you. In the Webinar, Rissa will share all the twists and turns of her journey as a single woman, until she finally met Chris, her One True Love. In the Webinar, you’ll also be able to ask all the questions you’ve wanted to ask, and Rissa and her Special Guests will answer them for you. To join my OneTrueLoveClub and receive powerful inspiration and wise instruction for your life as a single person, click the link below:
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