It’s My Birthday Today!
Yes, I’m 31 today (in my dreams).
Where did I get that number?
Recently, I was talking to two American ladies and they said, “Bo, you’re so accomplished. You’ve done so many things in your life. Yet you’re so young! You must be… hmm… thirty-one?”
“Can I treat you out for dinner tonight?” I smiled from ear to ear. When I told them I was 46, they didn’t want to believe me. They said I was lying.
“Filipinos tend to look younger,” I told them. “And because I’m very happy with my life, I guess I feel young too.”
Love Makes Me Happy
It’s true. I’m very happy with my life.
Today is my birthday. And while praying this morning, I had tears of joy. I was so grateful to God.
This morning, my wife and I went to Mass. God’s surprise: My friend Bishop Jesse Mercado was there to celebrate the Eucharist. We approached him and told him, “It’s my birthday and our wedding anniversary.” (Yes, I got married on my birthday so I’d never ever forget my wedding day!) The good Bishop laid his hands on both of us and prayed for a long time—asking for special blessings.
I felt God’s Love wrap around me like a robe.
When I went home, my two boys gave me a tight hug. My youngest son, Francis, gave me a hand-written birthday card. Using red crayon, he drew footsteps towards a heart. Pointing to it, he said, “Daddy, I walk towards your love.” He’s only 7 but I think he’s got the makings of a poet.
After breakfast, I did a little bit of writing. But I had to leave right away to have a lunch date with my 87-year old mother. When I picked her up at home, she embraced me and said, “Happy Birthday, Bo. I love you.”
Because of her age, Mom’s mind isn’t as sharp. She’s very forgetful. So I wanted to check. I asked her, “How old am I, Mom?” She said, “I don’t know. Are you fifty plus?”
Ah, the cruel effect of Alzheimer’s. Dementia. Senility. But if she said I was 31, I’d say her mind was getting brighter!
After we ate our lunch, I held her wrinkled hand in my hand—and told her I loved her. Inwardly, I couldn’t stop thanking God for having my mother in my life—in her advanced years. Every single day she is alive is a precious gift to me from God.
What makes my life so happy?
No doubt about it: It’s love.
My Personal Message To You…
Thank you for being part of my life.
I want to hallucinate that you’re not just my reader. You’re my friend. Thank you for reading my thoughts each week. Thank you for watching my videos, reading my books, joining in my Clubs. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for supporting our ministry.
Most of all, thank you for your LOVE.
Each morning, I pray for you. I ask God to bless you and meet your needs. My wife and my kids join me in this prayer. We all pray for you.
With God’s grace, I plan to live until 100.
So I’ve got 54 more years to bless your life!
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. Sorry, I wrote the wrong date last time. My life-changing How To Be Truly Rich Seminar is on August 11, not August 9. Sorry about that.
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