A collection of inspirational words, stories, experiences, bible reflections, quotes and more.Get inspired and be Blessed!


Friday, October 31, 2014

Today expect that life will get better, become happier, and become more abundant - God Whispers October 31,2014

My blessings are limitless. Become a person of faith today.


P.S. Today expect that life will get better, become happier, and become more abundant.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fear expects problems. Faith expects blessings - God Whispers October 30,2014

Fear expects problems. Faith expects blessings.

Look to the bright side,

P.S. What do you want to happen today?

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. – Ephesians 6:11 - Daily Bible Reflections October 30,2014

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. – Ephesians 6:11
       My brother and his family live in Puerto Princesa, Palawan in an all-natural environment. Because their space is completely wide open, almost all of the rooms have an open invitation to bugs. So they use a kulambo (mosquito net) at night.
         The first time I slept there, all sorts of small insects were trapped outside the net by morning. I was amazed at the kulambo. Without it, I would have had to sleep in jeans, knee-high socks, gloves, a beanie and a long-sleeved turtleneck to protect me from the insects.
       I believe the same concept applies to how God’s protection works in our lives. We don’t always see God’s hands upon us, but through the gift of faith, we believe that His love protects us. He puts an invisible shield all around us, working 24/7 to fight off any evil that may attempt to attack us. While the guarantee of God’s protection doesn’t ensure that we will be exempted from battle, it is an assurance that He is fighting with us and for us. Audee Villaraza (avillaraza@gmail.com)
Reflection: Today, stop living in reckless abandon and start living with the boldness that you have a living God who has an invisible net over you, shielding you every moment of your life.
Loving Father, clothe me with Your armor that I may walk in full confidence while I do your mission in this world. Thank You for loving me and protecting me.
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez, pray for us.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

When people look at your life, will they see evidence of your Christian faith? - God Whispers October 29,2014

When people look at your life, will they see evidence of your Christian faith?

Be a mirror of My heart,

P.S. Goodness and honesty is a mark of a Christian.

Do you do things to please people or to please God? Are you looking for affirmation from others or from God? - Daily Bible Reflections October 29,2014

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people. – Ephesians 6:7
I was trained to serve God with the best of my abilities. It may be carrying the speakers and instruments, mopping the floor, or arranging the chairs but I would do it without any complaint. In my heart, I knew I was serving a God who deserves no less than my best.
       But, I wasn’t able to apply this principle in my corporate job. For me, it was just about meeting deadlines, perfecting attendance, and merely doing what I was expected to do.
       When I listened to one of the talks of Bo Sanchez, I had a change in perspective. He invited the people to give their best in their current field because it’s not about getting the approval of your boss but of honoring God who gave you the ability to work. I decided to work hard and learn the different angles of the industry. I started to do more than what I was expected.
       Now, I am working full-time for the Light of Jesus Family under Bo, and I carry the same principles he taught me. I do my best for my audience of One — Jesus Christ Himself. Jan Carlo Silan (jan@makatifeast.com)
Reflection: Do you do things to please people or to please God? Are you looking for affirmation from others or from God?
Lord, You are my Boss. Remind me that You gave me the talents to serve a great purpose in my life. Amen.
St. Narcissus of Jerusalem, pray for us.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

“Abiding fully means praying much.” (Andrew Murray) - Daily Bible Reflections October 28,2014

Feast of Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles
In those days he departed to the mountain to pray and he spent the night in prayer to God. – Luke 6:12
       I went back to Manila from Tagbilaran by plane while my fiancé, Hester, left for Cagayan de Oro that evening. On the way home from the airport, I learned there was an oncoming storm. My heart went cold thinking about Hester’s boat ride. I calmed down when I passed by a big billboard exhorting me to trust in God’s Word. I then remembered the words in Isaiah 43:2, assuring me that God would be with Hester and he would be safe.
       He called me when they were out to sea. He calmly told me that the waters were rough. But in the background, I could hear another person on the boat with him—and she was loud about her fear!
       I will never forget that night because I couldn’t sleep. I prayed and prayed and prayed. It was while praying the Rosary that the Lord reassured me of Hester’s safety, as well as the others with him, and of our future together. The Lord saw us through that difficult night.
       Prayer is the oxygen of the Christian life. It is the dew in the morning, the rainfall at noon, the moon at night. We simply cannot live the Godly life without prayer. And if Jesus Himself prayed the whole night before making a major decision, how much more should we? Joy Sosoban-Roa (jsosoban@gmail.com)
Reflection: “Abiding fully means praying much.” (Andrew Murray)
Give me grace, Lord, to make my life a constant prayer. Teach me, Lord, how to pray.
Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles, pray for us.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ninety percent of the things you’re worried today, you’ll laugh about tomorrow - God Whispers October 27,2014

Ninety percent of the things you’re worried today, you’ll laugh about tomorrow.

Believe in Me,

P.S. Faith believes that good things will happen.

Quit focusing on what you don’t have. Focus instead on your one thing and make it grow - God Whipers October 26,2014

Quit focusing on what you don’t have. Focus instead on your one thing and make it grow.


P.S. Bring all your energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. (Philippians 3:13)

Lord, make me a mirror of Your heart - Daily Bible Reflections October 26,2014

You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. – 1 Thessalonians 1:6
       In the many years that I was a youth minister, I’ve long understood the responsibility of being a good model to young people. Everything I did then — good and bad — became a license for the teenagers in our youth group to copy me. That’s why it weighed heavily upon me to live my life with integrity.
       Now that I have kids, all the more I feel the weight of that burden. Every single day, I have two tikes who tail me around the house, literally looking up at me and observing everything I do and say. They’re like sponges absorbing the way I talk, how I act and what I believe.
       Sometimes, when they do something wrong, I ponder and ask myself if they unknowingly learned it from me. They’re like mirrors that reflect my bad attitudes that I’m blind to.
       All of us have the responsibility to be good examples to others — especially to the younger ones around us. May we leave them a legacy of goodness and godliness. Rissa Singson-Kawpeng (justbreatherissa@gmail.com)
Reflection: “Be on your toes — both for yourselves and your congregation of sheep. The Holy Spirit has put you in charge of these people — God’s people they are — to guard and protect them. God himself thought they were worth dying for.” (Acts 20:28)
Lord, make me a mirror of Your heart.
Blessed Contrado Ferrini, pray for us.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Who are the people in your life whom God is inviting you to love and care for? - Daily Bible Reflections October 25,2014

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. – Ephesians 4:16
       I feel most loved when people around me give me feedback. I smile when it’s positive, and I reflect and try to change when it’s negative. But it’s different when this feedback is in the form of hearsay from people you least expect.
       A friend hesitantly approached me one day because he wanted to tell me about another friend named Jude, who spoke ill about me while the latter was getting drunk at a party. With a willingness to change, I listened to the story.
         Jude made fun of me and started to speak nasty things about me in front of the partygoers. I was hurt because he was a good friend, and worse, the others who heard it laughed at my expense.
         I felt deep sorrow for Jude. He needs love, compassion and deep acceptance, and even though it hurt, I clearly couldn’t turn my back on him. To this day, Jude and I are still buddies, but of course, I take precautionary measures to protect myself.
         We all have our own “Judes” to love. Isn’t that what God calls us to do — not to give up on our neighbor, despite their faults and imperfections? That’s why as Christ is the head, let’s build one another in love and compassion. Migs Ramirez (migoy3@gmail.com)
Reflection: Who are the people in your life whom God is inviting you to love and care for?
Jesus, teach us to do the same to the difficult people in our lives.
St. Antonio de Sant’Anna Galvao, pray for us.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Being a Christian is more than being the main speaker or the best singer. It’s about being Jesus to somebody - Daily Bible Reflections October 24,2014

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. – Ephesians 4:2
Let me tell you a story of two people I know. We’ll call the first one Xerxes and the other one Leo.
       Both of them serve the Lord. But Xerxes has this tendency to think that his service will only be maximized depending on what leadership position he has in the ministry. It saddens me every time I hear Xerxes angry or frustrated with someone because he has relationship problems in ministry.
       On the contrary, Leo is just astounding. He’s a person who I believe is more talented than me but doesn’t throw his weight around. He gives his 100 percent in everything that is assigned to him. He focuses on enjoying his service and loving the people around him. I’m excited for him because people love him and he just reflects the true meaning of the word “disciple.”
       Being a Christian is more than being the main speaker or the best singer. It’s about being Jesus to somebody. JPaul Hernandez
Reflection: What kind of Christian are you?
Jesus, teach me to have a heart like Yours so that I can be a great disciple. Amen.
St. Anthony Mary Claret, bishop, pray for us.

What’s on your mind today? Remember to always think of wonderful thoughts. Soon, they’ll become wonderful things - God Whispers October 24,2014

What’s on your mind today?
Remember to always think of wonderful thoughts.


P.S.  Soon, they’ll become wonderful things.  Give more. Smile more. Worry less.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Don’t let bad weather weigh you down. The rains come for a purpose. When the dark clouds and thunder are gone, lush greenery thrives - God Whispers October 23,2014

Don’t let bad weather weigh you down. The rains come for a purpose. When the dark clouds and thunder are gone, lush greenery thrives.

Adjust your vision,

P.S. It’s the same way with trials. They may be inconvenient but they cause you to grow.

“Through the clouds of midnight, this bright promise shone, I will never leave thee, never leave thee alone.” (Anonymous) - Daily Bible Reflections October 23,2014

That you... may have strength to comprehend ...what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. – Ephesians 3:18-19
       Her eldest sister, whom she looked up to as a mother, perished in a fire. Fifteen years later, her four-year-old granddaughter and daughter-in-law also died in a fire. And she was always the first one to receive the news of their tragic passing. Tita Connie said that she could have easily gone mad, having experienced these tragedies. During these difficult times, her only prayer was, “Lord, give me a heart like Mary’s.”
       The Lord answered her prayers and she received the grace of fortitude as was given to Our Lady of Sorrows. The same grace gave her the strength to encourage and comfort the rest of her family, as she helped them and herself face the reality of death. She held on to the Lord’s words, “Remember that I love you, that you are special to Me.”
       From Tita Connie I learned that no one is ever ready for the death of a loved one. But no matter how painful it is to lose someone, God is there with us. His love is far greater than any pain, any loss and any tragedy we could ever go through in this life. Dina Pecaña (dpecana@yahoo.com)
Reflection: “Through the clouds of midnight, this bright promise shone, I will never leave thee, never leave thee alone.” (Anonymous)
O God, You are Lord over sorrow and pain. May You surround me always with Your love and see me through the difficult moments in life.
St. John of Capistrano, priest, pray for us.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

We are all bearers of the Good News. Use what’s in your hands, what’s in your past, and what is to come to proclaim the Gospel - Daily Bible Reflections October 22,2014

Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ. – Ephesians 3:8
       Paul was an antichrist. Moses was not a good speaker. Peter was a fisherman. And me? I didn’t know anything about the Bible, so how could I serve God? But if you will notice, those that God called in the Bible were neither well-versed in Scripture nor had any background in theology.
       If you ask a jeepney barker for directions, he’ll tell you how to get to your destination by telling you what jeep to ride. If you ask a taxi driver, he’ll guide you through his known shortcuts. If you ask a cigarette vendor, he’ll tell you the shortest route on foot possible. Though you may arrive faster by riding a cab than walking, what’s important is you reach the same destination.
       Our Good News is Jesus. You may be talking to just one or to a thousand. You may be fixing chairs at a prayer meeting or playing an instrument. No matter how big or small your deed of faith, as long as it brings God to others, it gladdens His heart. Dreus Cosio (andreus.cosio@gmail.com)
Reflection: We are all bearers of the Good News. Use what’s in your hands, what’s in your past, and what is to come to proclaim the Gospel.
Dear God, may everything we say or do be used to give You glory and share Your love to others. Amen.
St. Peter of Alcantara, pray for us.

Complaining doesn’t help but praying does wonder - God Whsipers October 22,2014

Catch yourself before you allow a complaint to escape your lips. Replace it instead with praise unto Me or prayer to improve the situation.


P.S. Complaining doesn’t help but praying does wonders.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Are you waiting for something drastic to happen before you completely surrender your life to God? - Daily Bible Reflections October 21,2014

“And should he come in the second or third watch and find them prepared in this way, blessed are those servants.” – Luke 12:38
       When my father passed away in October 2012, it happened in the most peaceful way possible. He took one last breath and silently went back to the Lord. I remember he told me when I was young that if a man dies peacefully, it meant he was already at peace with God. I
can’t imagine Dad’s passing being more evident of such a truth.
       When he met the Lord in 1988, his life changed completely. He started playing praise music in the house and in the car (which I initially found really weird!) and he prayed every single day. He got up early in the morning to read the Bible and have his quiet time with God. He served the Lord with all his might. And he led us to do the same.
       And every time he would get sick or have heavy chest pains, he would say to all of us so nonchalantly, “It’s OK, I can die anytime.” That really irritated me. I felt like he was teasing us but it wasn’t funny to me at all. He kept saying this even until the last few weeks of his life. But it was only in those times, when I saw him so resigned to his fate, that I really understood where he was coming from. He wasn’t afraid of death. He was totally at peace with God. He was ready.
       I pray I would have the same confidence when my time comes. George Tolentino Gabriel (george.svp@gmail.com)
Reflection: Are you waiting for something drastic to happen before you completely surrender your life to God?
Lord, may I live and love as if each day were my last.
St. Hilarion, pray for us.

Love means choosing the pain of commitment. Of sticking around for better or for worse - God Whispers October 21,2014

Love means choosing the pain of commitment. Of sticking around for better or for worse.

All in,

P.S. I laid down My life for you. Need I say more?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Learn to “waste” time. To play silly games with kids. To walk barefoot on the grass. To get soaked in the rain - God Whispers October 20,2014

Learn to “waste” time. To play silly games with kids. To walk barefoot on the grass. To get soaked in the rain.


P.S. Remember, even I rested on the seventh day.

Do you value your relationships more than your material possessions? - Daily Bible Reflections October 20, 2014

“… for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” – Luke 12:15
       I like gadgets. I like looking for the latest models of laptops, phones etc. For a while, it became a status symbol for me.
         I remember the very first time I was going to own a laptop. It was the best one in the market. I was ecstatic.
       The euphoria lasted for two weeks. After that, a thinner, faster, lighter version of the same laptop brand was launched. It had a better design, better display and better features. I was crushed, devastated and discombobulated.
       I realized that I can never have everything in this life. I can continue to derive my value from the things that I own and feel frustrated every time I see someone having more than me, or I can appreciate the things that I have and be grateful and contented.
         Life is not defined by what you have, even when you have a lot. Life is about relationships. Possessions don’t make you truly rich. Relationships do. Relationships don’t just last longer, they last stronger.
       So the next time you feel bad for not having material possessions, thank God for the wonderful relationships you have — and feel like a billionaire. Randy Borromeo (rborromeo@yahoo.com)
Reflection: Do you value your relationships more than your material possessions?
Dear Lord, thank You for what I have. I may not own much, but I have everything. You are my everything. Teach me to have a grateful heart every day.
St. Maria Bertilla Coscardin, pray for us.

“Whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20) - Daily Bible Reflections October 19,2014

I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me. – Isaiah 45:5
       There is someone I love who is not expressive with his love. There are many times that I don’t agree with his ways. He has a medical condition, which makes him short-tempered. Often, he would speak with a raised voice even when he isn’t angry.
       He isn’t perfect, as much as I am not perfect either. Sometimes, I can’t help but bottle up grudges and resentment towards him.
       But the Lord taught me a valuable lesson about love. He taught me that love is a responsibility. In fact, it is the greatest of all commandments. He calls us to love the way He loves us. And we know how crazy a lover our God is. For the Lord first loved us even when we didn’t deserve it. He strengthens us even if we don’t acknowledge Him. It’s an eternal love that none can fathom.
       This realization brought me to my knees in prayer, asking for God’s forgiveness. For I want nothing more than to follow His ways. Erika Mendoza (epaulmendoza@gmail.com)
Reflection: “Whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20)
Lord, teach me how to love crazily, just like You.
Sts. John de Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues and companions, pray for us.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Life is insanely simple if you have your priorities straight. But when you put trivial things ahead of what’s eternal, life will get complicated - God Whispers October 19,2014

Life is insanely simple if you have your priorities straight. But when you put trivial things ahead of what’s eternal, life will get complicated.

Renew your mind,

P.S. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth (Colossians 3:2).

You can never escape pain in this life. But at least, you can choose between two types of pain. First is the pain of commitment. Second is the pain of regret - God Whispers October 18,2014

You can never escape pain in this life. But at least, you can choose between two types of pain. First is the pain of commitment. Second is the pain of regret.

Be wise,

P.S. The first pain weighs a kilo. But the second pain weighs a ton.

God will always take care of us, and when we follow His call for our lives, we will find true joy! - Daily Bible Reflections October 18,2014

Feast of St. Luke, Evangelist
“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” – Luke 10:2
I remember the first stirrings of full-time missionary work when I joined an immersion to a poor community in Bulalacao, Mindoro. I was tasked to document the event as a Singles for Christ member and I was excited. I never thought it was the start of something special.
       There I met a full-time worker, Marisse Abanador, who was based in Papua New Guinea. I was moved by the sharing of her life, the beauty of her spirit, her passion and conviction. As God would have it, we sat beside each other on the long trip on the bus. I asked her about the missionary life. I was curious.
       I remember my questions, my apprehensions, mostly on financial concerns: Do you get paid? How do you survive? She shared with me about how God is faithful. How He provides. How God is using her to bless others.
       Oh me of little faith! It’s been seven years since I answered the call and I am still on full-time mission work. God has been faithful to heal all my fears and has provided for me so amazingly, even more than I ever expected or imagined. I am deeply grateful for the purpose He has given me, for the privilege of serving Him through the ministry of words. Marjorie Ann Duterte (marjorie.duterte@gmail.com)
Reflection: God will always take care of us, and when we follow His call for our lives, we will find true joy!
Dearest Father, plant the seeds of missionary service in Your children’s hearts and raise up more laborers for Your harvest. Amen.
St. Luke, evangelist, pray for us.

Friday, October 17, 2014

How much do you trust God’s Word? Do your actions show that you trust Him and His Word? - Daily Bible Reflections October 17,2014

For the Lord’s word is true; all his works are trustworthy. – Psalm 33:4
       “I will give to you, and your descendants after you, the land....” God used this verse from Genesis 17:8, featured in another Didache reflection entitled “This Land Is Mine,” to make a promise to me last year. Danny, the writer of that reflection, shared how he and his wife prayed for a property where they could build a home, how God led them to one that matched their requirements, and how God helped them buy the land even when at the start they didn’t have enough money to purchase it.
       I read his story at the most perfect time! I just visited a property that also matched my requirements — “peaceful, secure neighborhood and within walking distance to a church.” And my husband and I didn’t have money to buy the property, too. But God made a way for us to reserve the property and pay for the down payment in the months that followed.
         My heart was filled with praise and thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness to His Word. God said that He would give me and my family that land. That’s exactly what He did!
         Remembering this wonderful blessing from God makes my heart sing one of our favorite songs at The Feast: “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag (teregmps@yahoo.com)
Reflection: How much do you trust God’s Word? Do your actions show that you trust Him and His Word?
Lord, may Your Word serve as my life’s compass and anchor.
St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr, pray for us.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Adjust your eyesight so that it sees the godly, the supernatural and the breathtaking in the mundane - God Whispers October 16,2014

Adjust your eyesight so that it sees the godly, the supernatural and the breathtaking in the mundane.

Stay childlike,

P.S. If you look around with a new sense of wonder, a miracle is just a glance away.

Hush the dogs. What is the Spirit saying to your heart now? Friend, listen to Him - Daily Bible Reflections October 16, 2014

“So you testify that you approve of what your ancestors did; they killed the prophets, and you build their tombs.” – Luke 11:48
       Pharisees are still alive today — people who kill the Jesus-planted dream in your heart. But you don’t have to stop at every dog that barks.
       But barking dogs may have already affected you. Insecurities, disappointments, and low self-esteem talk you out of God’s dream. Dogs might be barking so loud that you can’t hear the Spirit within that says: “Everyone has seeds of greatness. You have a gift to share with the world. There is a buried treasure in you. You have true potential that has not yet been released. You may have victories in the past, but that’s nothing compared to what God has in store for your future.”
       God didn’t make average people. You are not ordinary!
       You can overcome all obstacles. You can recover from a fall. When you go out of your comfort zone and step out in faith, God releases more of His favor. When you think bigger, God will act bigger. God shows up — and in unusual ways. If you take care of the natural, He will do the supernatural. If you take care of the ordinary, He will do the extraordinary.
       Friend, do you hear that? Jon Escoto (faithatworkjon@gmail.com)
Reflection: Hush the dogs. What is the Spirit saying to your heart now? Friend, listen to Him.
Lord, speak to me now. Help me to know the “true” me and live it out.
Blessed Marguerite d’Youville, religious, pray for us.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Father, teach me to live selflessly just like Your Son, Jesus - Daily Bible Reflections October 15,2014

Memorial of St. Teresa of Avila, virgin
and doctor of the Church
“Woe to you, Pharisees! You love the seat of honor in synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces.” – Luke 11:43
       Before you react, protesting the title above, think about it a little bit.
       If we study the ministry of Jesus Christ on earth, we will discover the irony that distinguished His attitude and His life.
       If Jesus were to publish a slogan that would describe His life and ministry, it would be: IT’S NOT ABOUT JESUS. He came not be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). Jesus is the ultimate Giver. He certainly didn’t make anything about Himself, unlike the Pharisees in today’s Gospel, who did a lot only for their benefit.
       If it wasn’t about Jesus, then it’s defintely not about you or me, or anyone else. Jesus had the right to make it all about Himself, but He chose to lay it aside in exchange for what really mattered — the glory of His Father.
       Friend, sometimes we’re guilty of making things about us or doing something with the wrong intentions. Let this be a reminder for us to check our hearts, and make sure our lives don’t point to ourselves, but to God. Mike Viñas (mikemichaelfcv@yahoo.com)
Reflection: “Who, though He was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself taking the form of a slave coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, He humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.” (Philippians 2:6-8)
Father, teach me to live selflessly just like Your Son, Jesus.
St. Teresa of Avila, virgin, pray for us.

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