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A collection of inspirational words, stories, experiences, bible reflections, quotes and more.Get inspired and be Blessed!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
The enemy of happiness is fear - God Whispers July 27,2015
The enemy of happiness isn't sadness. The enemy of happiness isn't problems. The enemy of happiness isn't loneliness. The enemy of happiness is fear.
Have faith,
P.S. The only antidote to fear is love.
If you want to change something in your life, look inside and change yourself - God Whispers July 25,2015
If you want to change something in your life, look inside and change yourself. All change starts twice: first, in your mind, and then with your actions.
Empowering you,
P.S. Start changing the things that are within your control.
How do we begin to know who You are until we begin ourselves to be something of what You are? - Daily Bible Reflections July 28,2015
The Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as one man speaks to another. – Exodus 33:11
Virtual friendships are fast overtaking our relationships. What with a
gamut of gadgets that are easily bundled with every unlimited plan
conceivable, making friends and staying as friends is as easy as
flicking your finger across your smartphone’s screen. But do virtual
friendships foster real intimacy and deep love?
A great example of intimacy was Moses’ relationship with the Lord. What
an honor it was for Moses to speak to the Lord “face to face, just as a
man speaks to his friend.” Such intimacy was born from spending time
together, from the powerful revelation of the Ten Commandments to the
constant one-on-ones in the Tent of Meeting. This relationship deepened
as Moses desired to become more like God and to know His ways.
If only we netizens can get to know the Lord by “friending” Him on
Facebook, following Him on Twitter, and seeing Him on Instagram. But
just like Moses, we become intimate with the Lord the old-fashioned way —
by spending time with Him in prayer, reflecting on His Word, and
becoming more and more like Him. Dina Pecaña (dpecana@yahoo.com)
“How do we begin to know who You are until we begin ourselves to be
something of what You are? We receive enlightenment only in proportion
as we give ourselves more and more completely to God in humble submission and love.” (Thomas Merton)
Lord, I want to know You in the way You reveal Yourself to me. Give me the grace to reflect on Your Word every day. Amen.
St. Leopold Mandic, pray for us.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Christ bore our burdens on the cross so that we might walk with a lighter step - Daily Bible Reflections July 25, 2015
Feast of St. James, Apostle
We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair. – 2 Corinthians 4:8
When our third child was born, my husband and I went through a time of “affliction.” She lost a lot of weight and, at first, we didn’t know what was wrong with her. We were “perplexed” and felt helpless because we didn’t know why she was sick.
Eventually, we discovered she had an infection that was not detected at birth. Once she was healed from it, she began gaining weight. As I write this, she will be celebrating her first birthday in a month — healthy, happy and a blessing to those around her.
Now, I look back on that time of affliction and perplexity with gratitude — because even during those challenging months, I knew God was with us. He didn’t allow us to be “driven to despair.” Instead, He held us up and encouraged us through the prayers, love and support of those around us (and even of people from all over the world!).
So if you are facing difficulties right now, allow me to encourage you — do not despair, God is always with you! Tina Santiago-Rodriguez (tina@trulyrichmom.com)
Reflection: Christ bore our burdens on the cross so that we might walk with a lighter step.
Lord, thank You for giving me the strength to do all things (Philippians 4:13), even triumph over my trials.
St. James, Apostle, pray for us.
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Friday, July 24, 2015
Parents are God’s stewards of His children here on earth. Do you love, respect and care for your parents as much as you love God? - Daily Bible Reflections July 24,2015
Honor your father and your mother. – Exodus 20:12
“I’m 25, I don’t need guidance!” “If you want us to have a conversation, then mind your own business.”
“Just because I do not go and greet lola, I am being disrespectful? You’re wrong!” “There you go again with your drama.”
These are real life statements made by a son to his mother. It’s
lamentable how brazen children of this generation have become in
engaging their parents. They have a strong sense of entitlement and
passion to assert their individuality. Parents like me are aghast and
frown over such disrespectful attitude. Some parents, however, have
already adopted a more liberal approach, conceding such behavior as part
of today’s modern lifestyle, Western influence and generation gap.
Perhaps I belong to the old school. I believe in having good manners
and etiquette, respecting my elders and helping others when I can. But
regardless of generation — be it X, Y or Z — God’s commandment on
honoring one’s mother and father never goes out of style. It remains
binding across generations, regardless of culture. Marie Franco (mariefranco_pie@yahoo.com)
Parents are God’s stewards of His children here on earth. Do you love,
respect and care for your parents as much as you love God?
Lord, enlighten our children that they may value what their parents do for them.
St. Sharbel Makhlouf, pray for us.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
“Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart” (Hebrews 3:15). - Daily Bible Reflections July 23,2015
“But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear.” – Matthew 13:16
I started reading the Bible when I was in college. I got the habit from
my father. When I was in high school, I saw my father reading the Bible
every day. He was so hungry for the Word of God. He bought different
When I was invited to a prayer meeting of the Light of Jesus Family, I
listened to the preachings of Bo Sanchez and other preachers. Week after
week, I never failed to attend our gatherings and listen attentively to
the Word of God preached.
Scripture has influenced my life a lot. It has given me instructions
that guided me in my actions and decisions. It has pointed out sins and
wrongdoings that I have repented of. It has proclaimed promises that I
claimed for my life. Through the Word of God, I have come to know, love
and serve Him.
The Lord has opened my eyes and ears to see Him and to hear His voice,
to know the truth and to discover His will for my life. By His grace, I
am able to share His Word to others, to bless and encourage them, to
lift and inspire them, to instruct and to lead them to Jesus. Meann Tee (meanntytee@yahoo.com)
Reflection: “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your heart” (Hebrews 3:15).
Father, open my eyes that I may see Your loving gaze. Open my ears that I may hear Your tender voice.
St. Bridget, religious, pray for us.
Monday, July 20, 2015
“The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.” (Exodus 15:2) - Daily Bible Reflections July 20,2015
“The Lord will fight for you; you have only to keep still.” – Exodus 14:14
There was a time when mercenary soldiers wanted to pillage St. Claire’s
monastery before attacking Assisi. Though seriously ill, St. Clare
requested her sisters to bring the Blessed Sacrament down to the door,
where she prostrated herself, begging the Lord to defend her community.
The sisters heard the voice of a little child replying, “I will always
take care of you.” Suddenly, the soldiers who were climbing over the
enclosure’s walls retreated without harming the sisters, the monastery
or the city.
Like St. Claire, you might be facing a battle today — maybe it’s a
serious illness like the Big C or a financial difficulty that threatens
to foreclose your house or business.
The Lord says, “Do not be afraid. I will take care of you.” No matter
what battle we are facing, we only need to spend time with Him in prayer
and be silent. He will fight for us. “In quietness and trust is your
strength” (Isaiah 30:15). Allow God to move in your circumstances. He
is working behind the scenes. God is greater than the battle you are
facing. In fact, if you surrender it to Him, the battle is the Lord’s!
Trust that He will lead you to victory. Marjorie Ann Duterte (marjorie.travels@gmail.com)
Reflection: “The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.” (Exodus 15:2)
Lord, be with me as I rest in Your presence. I will be still and know that You are God. Amen.
St. Apollinaris, pray for us.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
nvite Jesus to carry your burden with you - Daily Bible Reflections July 16,2015
“For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” – Matthew 11:30
First, you must know that you will always have a yoke, a burden, while
you’re here on earth. Following Jesus doesn’t mean you will be
“yokeless” or “burdenless.”
But the big difference is that Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden, light.
Take note that there are two meanings of “light.” There’s light,
which is the opposite of darkness; and light, which is the opposite of
heavy. Notice, too, that when you carry something “in the dark,” even if
it seems easy, it will become difficult and heavy. That’s because
you’re blind. You’re directionless. You’re carrying that load without
meaning or purpose.
But when there’s light, there’s direction, meaning and purpose. No
matter how heavy your load is, it will become easy and much more
When a mother is pregnant, that’s a heavy load. Yet, it seems light
because that baby inside gives “light” to her. When a father works hard
for a living, that’s difficult. But seeing his family happy makes it
You want to make your burden light? Then carry it with Jesus. He makes it light as He lights it up! Alvin Barcelona (apb_ayo@yahoo.com)
Reflection: Invite Jesus to carry your burden with you.
Jesus, I come to You now with my heavy burdens. I humbly ask that You carry them with me. I rest in Your love. Amen.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
When you focus on your problems, you have tunnel vision. Like a horse with blinders - God Whispers July 15,2015
When you focus on your problems, you have tunnel vision. Like a horse with blinders.
P.S. Don’t miss out on the fantastic opportunities for expansion and blessing outside your narrow vision
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Miracles are in front of our eyes every single day. Do you see them unfold in your lives? - Daily Bible Reflections July 14,2015
Jesus began to reproach the towns where most of his mighty deeds had been done, since they had not repented. – Matthew 11:20
Ploop! That was a dull sound from an exploding overheated klieg light
on top of us. I was oblivious of the incident and kept talking to the
event coordinator. Then there was a subdued commotion around us, not
wanting to take the attention of those attending the event. Apparently
the bulb exploded into hot broken glasses in front of us and around us.
The staff then silently picked up the broken particles, which burned the
rug where it had landed. These hot pieces were not more than two feet
from where we stood! I realized then that something had shielded us from
those hot glass pieces. It was a miracle that we were not
burned and I thanked my angels for the mantle of protection.
Miracles happen every day and we need to have faith to recognize them.
In Matthew 13:57, it says that Jesus did not do mighty deeds in the
place where people did not believe Him.
It takes faith to believe in the daily miracles happening in our lives and we thank God for it. Rolly España (rolly@homeliving.com.ph)
Reflection: Miracles are in front of our eyes every single day. Do you see them unfold in your lives?
Father, grant me spiritual eyes to see Your goodness and blessings that You surround me each day.
St. Camillus de Lellis, priest, pray for us.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
What area of your life is still in progress? How will you keep moving on? - Daily Bible Reflections July 12,2015
In him we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will. – Ephesians 1:11
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was holding a copy of my first book, Byahe ni Juan: Life Lessons I Learned from Riding a Jeepney. (Shameless plug: It’s available in all bookstores nationwide and at www. kerygmabooks.com.)
I’ve always dreamed of writing this book for the past two years. Even before I became a book author, I was already a book collector. Over the past several years, I’ve built up my own little library. (No wonder my surname sounds like “librarian.”)
But I didn’t always like books. I was already in college when my perspective about books changed. In short, I am a work-in-progress when it comes to my growth and development. From being a reader, now I am an author and writer.
Likewise, God allows us to go through this journey called life and He continues to work in us. He will never give up on us until we become the person He wants us to be. JC Libiran (jclibiran@ymail.com)
Reflection: What area of your life is still in progress? How will you keep moving on?
Father God, continue to shape me to be Your wonderful masterpiece. Amen.
St. John Jones, priest and martyr, pray for us.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
“Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who has self-control than one who takes a city” (Proverbs 16:32) - Daily Bible Reflections July 11,2015
“And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” – Matthew 10:28
I was a fighter in my younger days. I’ve been part of many fights: boxing matches, rumbles and riots.
That makes me tough, right? Wrong!
Because none of those fights changed my life for the better.
The more my body was battered with bruises and wounds, the more hateful, rebellious and evil I became.
That’s why the adage, “No one wins in a war,” is true.
Matthew 10:28 was right. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.”
So I surrendered to Him Who conquered my soul. And the good news is, by God’s grace, I’m now victorious. God moved me from a life of violence to a life of grace.
Now, I fight the real battle — of winning souls back to the love, grace and mercy of God.
Today, I am His fighter.
Wanna join the team?
Ahoo! Ahoo! Obet Cabrillas (kpreacherobet@gmail.com)
Reflection: “Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who has self-control than one who takes a city” (Proverbs 16:32).
O Lord, may I live out what I professed when I had my confirmation — that I be a soldier of God who will win back souls for His kingdom.
St. Benedict, abbot, pray for us.
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Friday, July 10, 2015
Are you ready to lose yourself for His cause? Are you willing to lose your name and let His name be glorified instead? - Daily Bible Reflections July 10,2015
There God, speaking to Israel in a vision by night, called, “Jacob! Jacob!” “Here I am,” he answered. – Genesis 46:2
Isn’t it interesting that in the Bible there are several characters that have changed their names after meeting Jesus?
It is true that those we meet can change us, sometimes so
profoundly that we are not the same afterwards, even our names. Simon
became Peter, Levi became Matthew, and Saul became Paul.
Notice in today’s reading that Jacob, later on known as Israel,
had visions of God speaking to him and guiding him on what to do. God
revealed His great plans for him, plans to make him “a great nation,”
and plans to reunite him with his long-lost son, Joseph.
Jacob embraced God’s plans for him and allowed Him to dictate his next steps. In the end, Jacob reaped the rewards, God fulfilled His promises, and Jacob died a peaceful and joyful man.
God wants His presence to create a change in us. Why? Because He wants us to live a life of joy and significance. He died for us, saved us, and gave us salvation. The question is, are we willing to change for Him? And how much are we willing to change within ourselves to
fulfill His will? Erika Mendoza (epaulmendoza@gmail.com)
Reflection: Are you ready to lose yourself for His cause? Are you willing to lose your name and let His name be glorified instead?
Lord, let there be less of me and more of You.
St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me - Daily Bible Reflections July 9,2015
“As you enter a house, wish it peace…” – Matthew 10:12
my way to work, I heard a woman shouting at the top of her lungs inside
her car. She was screaming at the village security guard who stopped
her because she didn’t have a sticker and was asking who she was
visiting. She was clearly upset, and the strain and pain in her voice
told me that the anger was not just about the poor guard’s comment. He
had hit a nerve. As people stopped to watch her outburst, I felt for
her. Maybe she was going through rough times in life. Perhaps her home
is in disarray, the kids are in trouble, or a loved one is dying. As I
walked on, I prayed a Hail Mary for her and wished her peace.
We have no control over what happens outside of us. The world will
always have its share of stresses — an irate customer, an arrogant
driver, a person who curses you out of the blue. The truth is, it’s not
about you. It’s what’s happening inside of them. The only thing we have
control of is our response to the situation. It would be wise to choose
to keep your peace and give the person the benefit of the doubt. The
least we could do is pray for them.
Oh, how the world needs peace — peace from within. May we be bearers of peace in our thoughts and deeds. Marjorie Ann Duterte (marjorie.travels@gmail.com)
Reflection: Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
Your peace is a precious gift. May Your peace descend upon my mind and
heart today and may I share this peace to the hurting. Amen.
St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions, pray for us.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Heaven celebrates each time a lost sheep is found. Would you like to cause a heavenly celebration today? - Daily Bible Reflections July 8,2015
“Go rather to the lost sheep.” – Matthew 10:6
The car came to a screeching halt as I asked the driver to stop. I
suddenly noticed from the photos taken at the party I just attended that
my neck was bare. Where was my necklace?
The house of my friend Mary was already dark. The party was over. But
that didn’t prevent me from knocking at her door to ask for help. No
furniture was left unturned and the search extended to the driveway and
even to the street outside with the help of a flashlight. Text messages
were hurriedly sent to close friends who were present at the party, but
this yielded no positive news.
If I was distraught over a lost necklace and exerted every effort to
find it at all costs, how much more troubled could our heavenly Father
be over the loss of one of His sheep? His unconditional love for each of
us is unfathomable and knows no bound. No words can adequately describe
His pain and sadness.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus instructs His Twelve Disciples “to go rather to the lost sheep” (Matthew10:6).
We are His modern-day disciples. Have we gone out to seek the lost? Mari Sison-Garcia (mari_sison_garcia@yahoo.com)
Reflection: Heaven celebrates each time a lost sheep is found. Would you like to cause a heavenly celebration today?
Lord, use me to bring back a lost sheep. I offer myself to You as Your instrument of joy.
St. Gregory Grassi and Companions, pray for us.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Are you open to God’s call to be one of His laborers in the harvest? What gifts do you have that you can use to help? - Daily Bible Reflections July 7,2015
The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few. – Matthew 9:37
Here I am, Lord / Is it I, Lord? / I have heard You calling in the
night / I will go, Lord / If You lead me / I will hold Your people in my
I love hearing and singing this song which I learned when I was still
young. It reminds me to use my God-given gifts to do my share in this
abundant harvest.
God has placed in my heart a strong desire to share about Him and His
work in my life through writing and speaking. He has also given me
opportunities to lead groups at different points in my life. I believe
that it is through these gifts that God wants me to take part in the
great harvest.
First Corinthians 12:4-7 says, “There are different kinds of spiritual
gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the
same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces
all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the
Spirit is given for some benefit.” As Bishop Jesse Mercado said in his
homily at the Kerygma Conference 2013, “Your gift, your charism, is your
way of contributing to the Church.” Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag (teregmps@yahoo.com)
Are you open to God’s call to be one of His laborers in the harvest?
What gifts do you have that you can use to help?
Lord, I pray that I would always be ready to say yes to You whenever You call me. May I readily obey also when You send me.
Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions, pray for us.
Monday, July 6, 2015
What are you praying for? Does your faith match the size of your request? - Daily Bible Reflections July 6,2015
“Your faith has saved you.” – Matthew 9:22
I once went to the grocery to buy a couple of things for the kitchen.
Since I knew I only wanted a few items, I didn’t bother getting a
basket. I just grabbed stuff and carried them by hand.
Soon, my hands were full. Then I saw some stuff that wasn’t on my
shopping list but I felt I needed. So I decided to get a basket.
Later on, the basket was full, too. So I got a shopping cart and placed
the basket inside. I went home with much more than I had planned to
I believe God has no problem blessing us. The question is, how much are
we willing to receive? The answer lies in how much faith we have.
Sometimes we pray for things but we don’t believe enough that we will
receive them. How can God place big blessings in small containers?
If we’re willing to settle for small blessings, that’s all we’ll get.
But if we want big blessings, we need shopping cart-sized faith. George Tolentino Gabriel (george.g@svrtv.com)
Reflection: What are you praying for? Does your faith match the size of your request?
Lord, I choose to believe — big time.
St. Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr, pray for us.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Do you have eternal life insurance? - Daily Bible Reflections July 4,2015
“I am so old that I may now die at any time.” – Genesis 27:2
Outside one of the chapels during a wake, I saw paper machés of a house, car and yacht.
“What’s that for?” I asked my Chinese husband. He explained that the Chinese believe that by burning these, they were sending them ahead for the deceased. That way, they’d have a huge house, cars and boats to use in the next life.
I just laughed. “You can’t take anything out of this world with you when you die,” I said. My husband grinned, “If he’s Chinese, he’ll find a way.”
My husband was right. There is a way to send our earthly wealth in advance to heaven. But not in the way that he was talking about.
When we’re generous to others, when we give our tithes to the Lord, when we support ministries, we are using our money to build God’s Kingdom on earth.
Friends, let’s use our earthly wealth in such a way that when we reach our heavenly home, a huge mansion awaits us. Rissa Singson Kawpeng (justbreatherissa@gmail.com)
Reflection: Do you have eternal life insurance?
Jesus, may I use the riches You’ve entrusted to me to help build Your Kingdom on this earth. Amen.
St. Elizabeth of Portugal, pray for us.
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Thursday, July 2, 2015
Stuff should lead you to God and His purpose for you, not away from Him. Is there any clutter in your life that needs to be unstuffed? - Daily Bible Reflections July 2,2015
“Because you acted as you did in not withholding from me your beloved son, I will bless you abundantly…” – Genesis 22:16
In this world, there is God, and everything else is “stuff.” Stuff can
be money, work, ministry or family. Stuff is neither good nor bad. It
only becomes bad if it hinders us from worshipping and loving God.
Oftentimes, we are too attached to stuff. We make it the sole reason
for our happiness and meaning. In turn, we feel dissatisfied and empty
because we seek happiness in the stuff of God, rather than the God of
The story of Abraham and Isaac is a story of unstuffing. For many
years, Abraham and Sarah were praying for a baby. After a gazillion
years of waiting, there came Isaac, the miracle baby of Sarah’s old age.
Then here comes God asking Abraham to offer his most precious stuff,
It must have been extremely difficult for him, but Abraham’s faith in
God prevailed. He unstuffed so he could truly worship God. What
happened? God spared Isaac, and He filled Abraham’s life with the
blessings of numerous descendants!
Unstuff today. When you do, you leave a space for God to stuff you with better things. Velden Lim (veldenlim@gmail.com)
Stuff should lead you to God and His purpose for you, not away from
Him. Is there any clutter in your life that needs to be unstuffed?
Lord, may I have less stuff, and more of You.
St. Oliver Plunkett, pray for us.
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Blog Archive
- The enemy of happiness is fear - God Whispers July...
- If you want to change something in your life, look...
- How do we begin to know who You are until we begin...
- Christ bore our burdens on the cross so that we mi...
- Parents are God’s stewards of His children here on...
- “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your h...
- “The Lord is my strength and my song; he has becom...
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- When you focus on your problems, you have tunnel v...
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- Are you ready to lose yourself for His cause? Are ...
- Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with ...
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