A collection of inspirational words, stories, experiences, bible reflections, quotes and more.Get inspired and be Blessed!


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Do you blame God for the failures of other people? Or do you conclude the story that hasn’t even ended? - Daily Bible Reflections May 31, 2015

“This is why you must now know, and fix in your heart, that the Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below, and that there is no other.” –Deuteronomy 4:39
       There are times when I forget God’s role and value in my life. Easily, I get distracted by things that life offers. It’s very convenient to put other things and people over God — to seemingly love them more and put more effort in my relationships with them.
        The other day, my friend disappointed me. I reflected that despite the regard I have for other people, they’ll inevitably fail me. In my life, all the people that I care about seemed to have failed me at one time or another. Yes, even those who love me the most, like members of my family, my “bestest” friends and my significant other.
       When I tried to recall if God had ever failed me, I couldn’t pinpoint a single time. Yes, there were times when it felt like things were going bad, but that was because the story hadn’t ended yet. In surprising and much more beautiful ways, God would unravel the best part of the story that I hadn’t seen coming. In many ways, He would always show His marvel and greatness.
   Truly, there is no other that can rival Him. Angel Directo (jeldirecto@gmail.com)
Reflection: Do you blame God for the failures of other people? Or do you conclude the story that hasn’t even ended?

Heavenly Father, when I put other people before You, remind me of Your unfailing love and that You should be first in everything.
St. Mechtildis, pray for us. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) - Daily Bible Reflections May 28,2015

“What do you want me to do for you?” – Mark 10:51
       One of the first lessons my dad taught me was to be independent. During my first day in kindergarten, he brought me to my “big school.” He planned to bring me to my classroom and sit in but he had to rush to the office for an emergency. So he dropped me off, hugged me and said, I know you can find your way. You’re a big girl. If you need help, just ask the nuns or the guard, OK?”
       And I’ve been independent ever since.
       When Jesus invited me to a personal relationship with Him, He taught me a different lesson. He wanted me to surrender my will to His and be completely dependent on Him. Whenever I come to Him in prayer about my troubles, just like with Bartimaeus, He would ask me, “What do you want Me to do for you?” I’d be silent, unsure of what to say, unlike Bartimaeus who readily replied, “Lord, I want to see!”
       Honestly, I expect Jesus to just give me instructions and solve my concerns on my own. But He is “hands on” in solving my problems, guides me in making decisions, and directs my life.
       Now, I know better — I’ll always answer His question humbly: Lord, help me! Dina Pecaña (dpecana@yahoo.com)
Reflection: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)
Jesus, grant me the grace to rely on Your ever-present help.
St. Mary Ann of Jesus of Paredes, pray for us.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What have you asked from the Lord lately? Ask that His will be done in your life - Daily Bible Reflections May 27, 2015

“You do not know what you are asking.” – Mark 10:38
      Christmas 2013 was very different from my family’s past Christmases. We had noche buena at the wake of my aunt who succumbed to cancer. A few months earlier, when the doctors discovered that my aunt had the Big C, we fervently prayed for her healing. We believed that our God is bigger and greater than any sickness and that He is our Great Healer. But the Lord knew what is best for everyone. Tita Lory joined our Creator five days before the much-awaited Christmas Day.
       We asked the Lord for her complete healing. We asked that she be free from cancer. We asked for longer life for her. But maybe God said, “You do not know what you are asking.” If God had granted our requests, maybe her pain would have lasted longer. Maybe there’ll be more emotional stress, both for her and her family. Maybe she’ll suffer more.
       Most of the time, we do not know what we are asking from the Lord. Our wisdom is too limited that we think it will be good for us. Although we pray for specific intentions, let’s not forget to include this at the end of our prayer, “Let not my will, but Yours be done.”
       Because at the end of the day, we do not know, Lord. But You do. Lala Dela Cruz (bella.delacruz@gmail.com)
Reflection: What have you asked from the Lord lately? Ask that His will be done in your life.
Father, in everything, let not my will but Yours be done.
St. Augustine of Canterbury, bishop, pray for us.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What makes it difficult for you to give back to God? It could just be a matter of changing your mindset - Daily Bible Reflections May 26,2015

Pay your tithes in a spirit of joy. – Sirach 35:8
       I know people who were born with generous hearts. They give without a thought even when it hurts. It must be a genetic condition because not everybody can give joyfully during lean times. I must admit  I’d need a heart transplant to be like them.
       Oh, it’s easy enough when my budget is not dripping with negative balances. I’m all smiles while dropping my tithes into the collection basket when I’ve had a windfall. But when there’s still a lot of the month at the end of my money, my heart palpitates as I pull out what little I have left.
       For a long time, I was that way until I learned how to budget the Christian way — by putting tithes at the top of the list. Then  I developed a system where I put my tithes in a special part of my wallet. I think of that as God’s wallet. Whatever I put in there is no longer mine. If I do touch it for an emergency, I pay back the full amount.
       When the weekend rolls in and I prepare my love offering, my system makes it so much easier to give my tithes with a     
joyful spirit. No need for heart surgery. Lella M. Santiago (lellams88@gmail.com)         
Reflection: What makes it difficult for you to give back to God? It could just be a matter of changing your mindset.
Lord, everything I have is Yours. Teach me to be generous.
St. Philip Neri, priest, pray for us.

Monday, May 25, 2015

“I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” (Matthew 9:13) - Daily Bible Reflections May 25,2015

How great the mercy of the Lord, his forgiveness of those who return to him. — Sirach 17:24
       Going to confession is always a time of grace for me. As a full-time mom with three young kids, it’s actually like a mini-retreat for me. Ironically, ever since I had kids, my sins seem to revolve around my being a not-so-good mom — especially my impatience, short temper and unkindness towards my own flesh and blood.
       Recently, I went to confession and the priest gave me this penance: “Love your kids. Take care of them.” I wanted to ask him, “Are you sure that’s all, Father? Don’t I deserve a harder penance?” But then I realized how God was ministering to me through the priest’s words. Because I had sinned through my thoughts, actions and deeds as a “monster mom,” He was also providing “a way back” for me through my vocation as a mother.
       Are you in a sinful state right now (as we all are at some point in our lives)? Don’t fret — it’s never too late to repent of your sins and turn back to Jesus… and once you decide to do so, He’ll provide “a way back” for you, too, just like He does for me. Tina Santiago-Rodriguez (tina@trulyrichmom.com)
Reflection: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.” (Matthew 9:13)
Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof. But only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
St. Bede the Venerable, priest and doctor of the Church, pray for us.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Do the choices you make focus on yourself or on Jesus? - Daily Bible Reflections May 24,2015

Solemnity of the Pentecost
If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit. – Galatians 5:25
       I got excited when I heard that Nick Vujicic was coming to the Philippines. Nick is an Australian motivational speaker born with a rare condition — he does not have any limbs. However, his speaking ability and positive outlook in life totally overshadow his physical limitations. I wanted to see him personally, but more importantly, I wanted my children to learn something from him.
       My excitement turned into sadness when I learned that tickets were already sold out. But by God’s grace, we were able to get tickets through the help of friends. Our next challenge was going to the venue in Quezon City from our place in Parañaque. The event was also on a weekday so we could only leave after school and work. It was a pleasant surprise that we met heavy traffic only on isolated intersections. We arrived on time!
       After the event, I asked my 12-year-old son, Jason, what he learned from Nick. All the effort to see Nick in person was worth it when he said, “To go for your dreams no matter what!” We are given choices each day. We can choose what’s more comfortable but we won’t gain anything. Or we can choose the harder route, pray for God’s guidance and learn something valuable. Alvin Fabella (alvinfabella@yahoo.com)
Reflection: Do the choices you make focus on yourself or on Jesus?
My Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. May all my decisions today point back to You. Amen.
St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, pray for us.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Are we interfering or obeying? - Daily Bible Reflections May 23,2015

“What concern is it of yours? You follow me.” – John 21:22
       In 2013, I was blessed to be invited to talk about St. Peter as a leader. This was in the shrine named after him in Fairview, Quezon City. I shared that, just like him, I am impetuous and I talk fast without sometimes thinking deeply about the issue at hand.
       The verse that I chose shows the scene where Peter asks Jesus what will happen to John, the beloved disciple. The Lord rebukes Peter by practically telling him it was none of his business. Then, Jesus says to him, “Follow Me.”
       In our pilgrim lives, there might be moments that we might be tempted to ask the Lord what His will is for other people. We tend to compare ourselves to others and expect that what the Lord demands of us is what He’d ask from others, too.
       But often, God is not like that. He calls us individually, asking one to serve Him in this way, and asking another to serve in that. It is prudent that we just obey what He tells us to do and not interfere in the purposes He has for others. Grace Princesa (grprincesa @yahoo.com)
Reflection: Are we interfering or obeying?
Lord, may I always listen to Your still, small voice and not the noise of the world.
St. Felix of Cantalice, pray for us.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

When God calls you, He will equip you. Don’t hesitate to let go and let God. Take courage and just follow His leading - Daily Bible Reflections May 21,2015

... the Lord stood by him and said, “Take courage...” – Acts 23:11
       Melissa used to live a very comfortable life. She was young, had a high-paying job, owned the latest gadgets, and had more than P100,000 in her savings account. She served every Sunday in her community. She was well liked by her co-servants and she tithed regularly. She had a great relationship with the Lord.
       But one day, God called her to serve in a greater capacity. After praying hard, she decided to let go of everything and follow the Lord. Her friends thought she was crazy! When they asked her why she gave her money away, she just smiled and said, “God told me to surrender everything to Him. He told me to trust in Him.”
       What many considered was a stupid act was actually an act of bravery. How many of us could do what she had done? She knew that these worldly things would hinder her from truly serving the Lord, so she let go of them, not knowing what the future would bring.
       For many people, “surrender” might mean weakness and cowardice, especially since it means “giving up.” But surrendering to God is probably the bravest thing we could do because it means stepping out of our comfort zones and stepping into “God’s zone.” Karren Renz Seña (karren.s@shepherdsvoice.com.ph)
Reflection: When God calls you, He will equip you. Don’t hesitate to let go and let God. Take courage and just follow His leading.
Holy Spirit, grant us the gift of courage, so that we may continue to trust God wholeheartedly as we continue to follow His will.
Blessed Eugene de Mazenod, bishop, pray for us.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Are there people who need the friendship that you can bring? They need the friendship that you have with Jesus, too - Daily Bible Reflections May 20,2015

“As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world.” – John 17:18
       A new research study released by the Barna Group reports that around three out of every five young Christians leave church after the age of 15. Why? I can sum up the many reasons in one word: “unfriendliness” of Christians to the world they’re sent to.  
       About 25 percent say they feel “Christians demonize everything outside of the Church.” About 35 percent say Christians are “too confident they know all the answers.” Seventeen percent said they’ve “made mistakes and felt judged in Church.”
       When economic crisis and depressing news were all the headlines could offer, two Purdue University students decided to lift the spirits of people on campus. Cameron Brown and Brett Westcott set aside two hours every Wednesday afternoon to simply stand along a busy walkway holding a large “Free Compliments” sign. There they say nice things to everyone who walks by. “I like your red coat.” “Very nice smile.” In fact, a good number of students said they deliberately choose the path where “the compliment guys” are, just to hear a kind word.
       Thank You, Lord, there are still those who understand what You want us to do. Jon Escoto (faithatworkjon@gmail.com)
Reflection: Are there people who need the friendship that you can bring? They need the friendship that you have with Jesus, too.
Father, give me the desire to go out of my comfortable circle of “good” Christian friends, and make friends with someone who needs You. Amen.
St. Bernardine of Siena, priest, pray for us.

What is number one on your to-do list today? Is God in it? - Daily Bible Reflections May 19,2015

“Yet I consider life of no importance to me, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to bear witness to the gospel of God.”– Acts 20:24
As I write this reflection, I’m also thinking about the long list of things I need to accomplish for work and my family. I tick off items on my to-do list but more tasks get added by the minute. I admit I get tired and sometimes feel bad about not having as much time to do things for myself. But I continue to work, keeping my eyes on the finish line, knowing I must persevere for the sake of the students I teach and the family I love.
       Paul did the same. He had a job to do, and he persevered until the end. He gave his life for the sake of the Gospel in spite of the inconveniences and dangers, preaching far and wide so that others may come to know Jesus. It was the first and only item on his to-do list after his life-changing encounter with God.
       If we can find it in ourselves to work extra hard to build successful careers and lucrative businesses, I’d bet that, like Paul, we too could put in extra time, effort and creativity into being witnesses for the Gospel every day — in our country, community, work places and homes. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to say that we have run the good race and fought the good fight? Geraldine G. Catral (catral@beaconschool.ph)
Reflection: What is number one on your to-do list today? Is God in it?
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, grant me the boldness and perseverance to proclaim Your Gospel today and every day of my life. Amen.
St. Theophilus of Corte, pray for us.

Mary Jane Veloso: A Miracle of Love through Prayers

An inspiring story shared by a dear friend  Bro. Ed Dionisio

Mary Jane Veloso: A Miracle of Love through Prayers

By: Edgardo M. Dionisio

0n 28 April 2015, I received a message from Fr. Harold Toledano, a missionary priest asking help if I can go to Cilacap to be with the children of Mary Jane Veloso, a Filipina who was scheduled to serve her death penalty for being convicted of carrying 2.6 kg of heroin found at the lining of her bag. My heart beat fast upon hearing it as my whole being was telling me to go and offer my help to the children of Mary Jane. However, I need to ask permission from my principal and head of school. By the grace of GOD, my request was granted and I remember Mr. Nick my Head of School saying, “Go and be with her children. You are doing it for your country, for your church and for GOD.” I felt ecstatic and grateful after I heard that approval knowing that I would have that very rare opportunity to be with the family of Mary Jane especially with her two boys who need help more than anyone else.

Monday, May 18, 2015

“In this world you will have trouble. But take courage! I have conquered the world.” – John 16:33 - Daily Bible Reflections May 18,2015

“In this world you will have trouble. But take courage! I have conquered the world.” – John 16:33
       As head of the coverage team of our media ministry for the Kerygma Conference 2013, the big inspirational event founded by Bo Sanchez, Kristine Mutuc was supposed to attend the Servants’ Empowerment Gathering, the teambuilding event of the conference, scheduled on November 9, 2013.
       Kristine could not attend the gathering because she had a previous engagement she could not cancel.
       Then, on November 8, Super Typhoon Yolanda hit the country, so the servants’ gathering was moved to November 16.
        No, I don’t think the calamity happened to enable Kristine to attend to her duty as manager of our coverage team.
       We did learn a lesson from the incident — which is the same teaching Jesus gives in today’s Gospel: We will have trouble in this world, but we must take heart because He has overcome the world.
       Yes, because He has triumphed over the cross, Jesus can help us triumph over any trial — be it as bothersome as Kristine’s conflict of schedules or as horrendous as super typhoon Yolanda. Cynthia U. Santiago (cusantiago@gmail.com)
Reflection: We shall overcome.
Lord, spare me from calamities. But should the storms come, let me not forget You are beside me.
St. John I, pope and martyr, pray for us.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Don’t tire of doing the right thing even when you don’t see results - God Whispers May 16,2015

Don’t tire of doing the right thing even when you don’t see results.

Focus on the prize,

P.S.  I see in secret what you do so leave the rewarding to Me

Do you belong to a Christian community? How do you practice loving each other? - Daily Bible Reflections May 17,2015

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
Striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. – Ephesians 4:3
       Our Third Order secular religious group is highly communitarian in charism. We try to practice daily the communal lauds and vespers as much as possible.
       Our particular chapter is composed largely of senior citizens. Only a few are below 60 years old and the average age is somewhere between 65 to 75 years.
         With this age group — and strong personalities — our chapter at one point was a headache for the spiritual directors. Yet we have existed for more than 20 years because of God’s grace and because members continue to attend and pray together in spite of differences.
       What binds us together? Our father, St. Augustine, wrote, “The members of Christ are united among each other by the charity of unity, which at the same time unites them with their Head, who is Jesus Christ.” From our formation, we are taught that it is an act of love to keep our unity with each other. It is love that unites us. Unity, not uniformity, is the name of the game.Cristy Galang (cristy_cc@yahoo.com)
Reflection: Do you belong to a Christian community? How do you practice loving each other?
Lord Jesus, make us one as You and the Father are one. Only Your grace and Your Holy Spirit can do this in us, Lord, and we pray that You will be with us always. Amen.
St. Paschal Baylon, pray for us.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Is your life messed up and too complicated? Simplify it. Go to Jesus! - Daily Bible Reflections May 14,2015

Feast of St. Matthias, Apostle
“It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.”– John 15:16
       Our Mediterranean cruise was cancelled two weeks before its scheduled sailing. All our other bookings for airlines and hotels had been put on hold. What made it complicated was that we had two minors traveling with us who were not related to us and whose parents had gone ahead. Documentation changes would be impossible. We just said we will travel in faith and prayed for our situation.
       Our Schengen visa warned that entry could be denied if our original European entry point is changed. Because of the cancellations, we had a different country as our entry point.
       Nevertheless, we were able to complete the trip on a different cruise ship without a hitch. Later, a friend told us that they were
denied entry in Venice, our original port of entry, because they were very strict with travelers who were with unrelated minors.
       In hindsight, we likened our experience with our life journey. Cruise controls in cars make it easier to travel long distances. When we journey through life, we can trust that our Cruise Control, our Lord and Savior, will make our way smooth. Rolly España (rolly@homeliving.com.ph)
Reflection: Is your life messed up and too complicated? Simplify it. Go to Jesus!
Jesus, You are the wind beneath my wings that make me soar over difficult situations.
St. Matthias, Apostle, pray for us.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

God speaks to us in a myriad of ways. The question is, are we listening? - Daily Bible Reflections May 13,2015

Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
“I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear them now.” – John 16:12
       It was my very first prayer meeting. I saw people singing and dancing with raised hands and I thought they were weird. I wanted to sneak out but suddenly, everything became quiet. Then I heard someone mumble some mumbo-jumbo. And then someone else spoke out with the words, “ I have so many things to tell you because I love you,” and he stopped.
       I told myself, “Why doesn’t he not just say what he wants to say? Why announce it? Who is he? And what was that mumbo-jumbo I heard? These people are weird!”
       After months of being “forced” to attend the prayer meeting, I found myself acting “weird,” too. Slowly I understood that, indeed, God has many things to say, and I only have to listen that I may know the truth. God is the God of truth. Chelle Crisanto (ellehcmaria@yahoo.com)
Reflection: God speaks to us in a myriad of ways. The question is, are we listening?
Speak, Lord, and I will listen. Let me hear Your words that I may know what is the truth.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Monday, May 11, 2015

“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) - Daily Bible Reflections May 11,2015

“I have told you this so that you may not fall away.” – John 16:1
       Facebook is a worldwide technological phenomenon. Through it, we can connect with each other globally in a very rapid way. We communicate with and track the whereabouts of old friends and acquaintances across the globe in real time.
       A 50-million audience reach took radio 38 years. Television took 13 years. But Facebook did it in less than three years. Facebook turned the globe into a virtual neighborhood. (Not to mention that it effaced Friendster.)
       Why was Facebook able to do this? I have a clue. It isn’t really just Facebook, but man’s innate need to be connected. Because relationships are man’s greatest wealth. So, why do we long for more? Because there is a foremost relationship at the core of our being that we long for — our connectedness to God!
       Only when we are founded on the Real Source of Power can all our other relationships make sense.
       Because no man is an island.
       We need to connect, get tagged and get nourished by God. Only then will we not “not fall away” (John 16:1). Want to subscribe to Faithbook? Obet Cabrillas (kpreacherobet@gmail.com)
Reflection: “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
Lord, may we always connect with You through prayer, Scripture, sacraments, community and ministry. Only then can we fully experience full life.
St. Ignatius of Laconi, pray for us.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

“In a world where there is so much wealth... it is unfathomable that there are... so many poor persons.” (Pope Francis) - Daily Bible Reflections May 10,2015

But Peter made him get up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.” – Acts 10:26
       In 2011, Warren Buffett, the fourth richest man in the world, wrote an article for the New York Times titled, “Stop Coddling the Super-Rich.” It was an insightful piece on how legislation in the United States provided preferential income tax treatment for the extremely wealthy and powerful but at the expense of the working class and underprivileged.
       He wrote, “Our leaders have asked for shared sacrifice. But when they did the asking, they spared me. I checked with my mega-rich friends and they, too, were left untouched. While the poor and middle class fight for us in Afghanistan, and while most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks.”
       It was not the sense of the article that struck me, but the fact that the words came from an individual who thoroughly earned and deserved his incredible success but was willing to sacrifice more of his wealth for the sake of the less fortunate. It is a shining example of how humility and the lack of entitlement can serve as an inspiration for everyone, not merely the superrich, to serve and protect our fellowman.Eleanore Teo (elyo.lee@gmail.com)
Reflection: “In a world where there is so much wealth... it is unfathomable that there are... so many poor persons.” (Pope Francis)
Father, grant me the self-awareness to understand that it is my honor to stand equal among my brothers and sisters in Your presence.
St. Damien of Molokai, pray for us.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Observe how your loved ones express their love. Return the favor in the same way - Daily Bible Reflections May 8,2015

“This I command you: love one another.” – John 15:17
       I express my love for Gina, my wife, by kissing, cuddling and holding her hands. Gina thinks: “Cheesy!” She enjoys doing these things with me: house chores, going to the grocery or walking in the park. Me: “Zzzzzz.”
       I expected her to be more “touchy” with me. She wanted me to spend more quality time with her.
       While Gina and I had no serious issues, there was a strain in our relationship back then. We thought that our own personal expressions were automatically appreciated by the other.
       We now know that our love languages differ. She has since learned to hold my hand and sit really close to me. I now think of things we could do together. It’s hard work but the rewards are much greater.
       We follow God’s command to love, but often do it the easy way: our way. Many relationships fail because love is often miscommunicated. Love is expressed and understood in different ways. Do not insist that yours is the only correct way. Try expressing it in the language understood by the other person. It will take a lot of sacrifice on your part, but it’s all worth it. Jun Asis (mabuting.balita@gmail.com)
Reflection: Observe how your loved ones express their love. Return the favor in the same way.
Lord, make me more loving towards others. Help me express my love in the way they understand it, even if it means putting effort and much time into it.
St. Peter of Tarentaise, pray for us.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

What has God told you recently that gave you joy? - Daily Bible Reflections May 7, 2015

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” – John 15:11
       “I’m just an ordinary mom who has breastfed her sons, Lord. Why me?” I asked.
       “I like using the ordinary and that includes ordinary people like you. You don’t need to be big in this field to make a difference. You simply need to tell your story.”
       God said those words to me when I asked Him why He was asking me to write a book on breastfeeding. I didn’t feel qualified then to author a book on the topic. I felt that He should ask a doctor, a nurse or a licensed lactation consultant instead.
       But God reminded me that He used many ordinary people throughout the course of history. He used shepherds, fishermen, prostitutes, tax collectors, ordinary mothers and fathers. Not all of them were credible, competent or worthy based on the world’s standards. Yet, God chose to use them and send them out on a mission. God chose to qualify and enable them.
    By the grace and wisdom that God has blessed me with, Breastfeeding: A Journey Worth Taking, the book God called me to write, has already been published. I thank the Lord for turning my apprehension and fears into joy. Truly, in Him alone can our joy be complete. Tere Dumadag (teregmps@yahoo.com)
Reflection: What has God told you recently that gave you joy?
Jesus, may Your message resonate within me and complete my joy.
St. Rose Venerini, pray for us.

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