“Amen, I say to you, it will be hard for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 19:23
In my former job, I used to give lectures to would-be bank officers. The trainees were MA/MBA graduates and have passed the officers’ qualifying exams. Being from the audit division, I lectured about the basics of internal control and gave practical case
studies to hasten their learning. Then I’d give an exam of 100 items. One participant, however, got a score of 60-plus points.
The participant was furious and attacked me on the evaluation. Being a
graduate of a prestigious school, it was probably unthinkable for him to
get a low score. Only a humble acceptance on his part would help him
realize that even smart people have inadequacies.
Jesus told His disciples that it would be hard for the rich to enter God’s Kingdom. The rich, whether in money, talent, intelligence
or power, may have difficulty realizing their need for God because of
their self-sufficiency. They may appear to have everything, but in
reality are still deficient if they continue to reject God’s offer of salvation.
Be willing to give up anything God asks of you if you want to follow Him totally. Judith Concepcion (
Reflection: Are we so full of ourselves that God is having a hard time entering into our hearts?
Strip me, Lord, of whatever gets in the way of loving and following You.
St. Jane Frances de Chantal, pray for us.
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