A collection of inspirational words, stories, experiences, bible reflections, quotes and more.Get inspired and be Blessed!


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Do you share God’s love to the people you work with? Do you reflect Jesus to the people you meet? - Daily Bible Reflections April 30,2015

“... Whoever accepts me accepts the one who sent me.” – John 13:20
       “It’s very difficult to be unhappy when life has meaning.”
       I got this phrase from Father Dennis Paez’s homily in a singles’ retreat organized by the Makati Feast. He said that if you know your purpose, you can never be unhappy, even if you try.
       I started attending prayer meetings at a young age because someone was bold enough to invite me. At first, I was too embarrassed to invite my friends to join the prayer meetings because I didn’t want to be mocked at and labelled as corny.
       Then, as I matured in my spiritual life, I heard the Lord telling me deep in my heart, “I don’t want you to just invite people. I want you to bring the light to the people around you.”
       Once I reflected on this, I did my part in becoming the best I could be. I began my day by asking Him to bless the work that I’d be doing. I still experience the same problems as before but what changed is that I go through these trials with a smile in my heart.
       I believe that this disposition radiates to the people I work with and they appreciate the light I bring to them — the light that comes from God. Jan Carlo Silan (jan@makatifeast.com)
Reflection: Do you share God’s love to the people you work with?  Do you reflect Jesus to the people you meet?
Lord, You are my source of happiness and hope. Fill me so that I can share this love to others. Amen.
St. Pius V, pope, pray for us.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Do you want to change a man’s miserable life? Start it with compassion, not condemnation - Daily Bible Reflections April 29,2015

“And if anyone hears my words and does not observe them, I do not condemn him, for I did not come to condemn the world but to save the world.” – John 12:47
       A video clip of Pope Francis went viral and stunned many people. He was amidst a crowd in St. Peter’s Square when he took the hands of Vinicio Riva, a man with a rare disease causing neuronal tumors and deformities. The Pope kissed him, embraced him and gave him a blessing. As I watched the video clip, I was touched that this humble religious leader made a gesture that showed warmth, compassion and affection towards the marginalized of society. Articles said that after the Pontiff’s embrace, it boosted Vinicio’s self-esteem, making him happier and stronger despite his terrifying physical appearance. It also amazingly changed his life because he became more sociable to others and closer to God by frequenting Holy Mass at the Vatican City. I believe that it’s neither force nor condemnation that will change our sinful world, but simple acts of compassion — a sincere kiss, a warm hug, or even a simple word of affirmation, like saying, “You look great!” This can melt a man’s heart of stone and transform it to a Christ-like attitude that can be a key to his eternal salvation. Dho Rimando (dougsterrimando@yahoo. com.ph)
Reflection: Do you want to change a man’s miserable life? Start it with compassion, not condemnation.
Lord, may I be Your channel of compassion to those who are in need. When people see me, may they know You because I carry Your love to them.
St. Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor of the Church, pray for us.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” (Minnie Louise Haskins) - Daily Bible Reflections April 28,2015

The hand of the Lord was with them and a great number who believed turned to the Lord. – Acts 11:21
       Lingkod Alabang, our community of single professionals, staged its very first worship concert one Friday night in 1998. We from the host branch were excited to worship the Lord with groups from other branches in Metro Manila. The sharers were eager to speak about the powerful work of God in their lives. The band was ready to play.
       Then the unthinkable happened. There was a massive blackout all over the city! In pitch darkness, we prayed for direction from the Lord. Do we cancel or go on with the concert? As we prayed, we knew the show must go on! The men drove to the pickup points at a nearby mall to bring guests who were commuting to the venue. The women placed votive candles on the staircase and all over the hall, and handed out candles to the guests as they arrived. The band played a capella but that only fired up our spirits even more as we sang our hearts to God.
       The Lord was with us that night. His presence shone brightly through our voices and in each other. It was one of the most touching and unforgettable gatherings we’ve ever had. And only with the Lord was it possible. Dina Pecaña (dpecana@yahoo.com)
Reflection: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” (Minnie Louise Haskins)
Jesus, Light of the world, I place my hand in Yours. Guide me through the darkness and into the brightness of Your truth. Amen.
St. Peter Chanel, priest and martyr, pray for us.

Monday, April 27, 2015

“In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” (Ephesians 6:16) - Daily Bible Reflections April 27,2015

The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. – John 10:10
       Has this ever happened to you? Just when you shared an answered prayer about having good health, the next day you get the flu virus. Or when you prayed and claimed for a promotion at work, someone else gets it. Or after experiencing God’s love and peace at Mass or at The Feast, you suddenly have a conflict with a family member.
       During one of the sessions of the Hunger Club, an informal young women’s Bible sharing group, Kerygma editor-in-chief Rissa Kawpeng discussed about spiritual warfare. We have to “put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11) because “the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10).
       When we’re happy with God, I honestly think that the enemy is so pissed that he’ll do anything to steal that joy. He’ll hit us right at our weakest spot. He’ll plant a seed of doubt to a declaration we’ve made. He’ll use people close to us to make us feel unworthy and a failure.
       Will you allow the enemy to steal the joy and peace that God has placed in your heart? As for me, I won’t let him win. Ever. Lala Dela Cruz (bella.delacruz@gmail.com)
Reflection: “In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” (Ephesians 6:16)
Dear God, strengthen our faith so that we can stand against the work of the enemy and that we’ll live the abundant life You have promised.
St. Louis Mary de Montfort, pray for us.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

“The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.” St. Francis of Assisi - Daily Bible Reflections April 25,2015

Feast of St. Mark, Evangelist
“Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” – Mark 16:15
       One of my favorite songs is “To the Ends of the Earth” by Hillsong United. It was actually my theme song when I was still a full-time missionary for my Catholic community.
       Part of it goes like this: “Jesus, I believe in You/And I would go to the ends of the earth/To the ends of the earth /For You alone are the Son of God/And all the world will see/That You are God.”
       Today’s Gospel reminds us that Jesus wants us to proclaim His Word to the whole world — to the ends of the earth. Even if I no longer hold the official title of being a full-time missionary, I believe that I’m still proclaiming the Gospel through my writing. In fact, I believe we are all called to be missionaries in our own special way.
       Are you a parent? You’re proclaiming the Gospel by caring for and loving your kids. Are you an “ordinary” office worker? You’re proclaiming the Gospel by being excellent at your job.
       Whoever you are and whatever you do, seek every opportunity to share God’s love with others — even to the ends of the earth. Tina Santiago-Rodriguez (tina@trulyrichmom.com)
Reflection: “The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.” St. Francis of Assisi
Lord, please use me to proclaim Your love to others.
St. Mark, evangelist, pray for us.

Friday, April 24, 2015

“If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.” (St. Maximilian Kolbe) - Daily Bible Reflections April 24,2015

“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” – John 6:56
       The nature of my work and ministry in our community requires me to be online all the time. This is why I “love” my mobile phone. Aside from calls and texts, it allows me to organize my schedule, present our company’s mobile applications, check my e-mails, keep in touch with my contacts, and be updated with current events. I also use my phone as a GPS device, Bible, voice recorder for interviews, camera and a lot more. The mobile phone is one powerful device that I need.
       One day, I had a business trip abroad. I realized that my phone had no roaming partner. So I didn’t have any signal! This meant that I couldn’t use any feature of the phone that required online connection. That meant no calls, texts, email, online calendar, social network, GPS, etc. My once powerful phone was reduced to a simple camera.
       It’s the same scenario with our Christian life. We need to stay connected to Jesus so we can accomplish the mission that He has given us. One way of remaining with Him is to take His Body and Blood as often as possible.
       Truly, without Jesus, we are ordinary. But with Jesus, we are extraordinary! Alvin Fabella (alvinfabella@yahoo.com)
Reflection: “If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.” (St. Maximilian Kolbe)
Lord, I thank You for Your Body and Blood. By its grace I am able to overcome what is impossible for my strength alone. Amen.
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr, pray for us.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Do you maximize the opportunities that the Holy Spirit presents to you in telling fellow pilgrims about the Resurrected Christ? - Daily Bible Reflections April 23,2015

“How can I unless someone instructs me?” – Acts 8:31
       I really am blessed to be an ambassador for God and country here in the United Arab Emirates. There is an estimated 600,000 Overseas Filipino Workers and their families here. There are also more than 200 nationalities living and working in this very multi-cultural and open society that allows freedom of worship. Recently, the enlightened leadership donated two tracts of land to build two more Catholic churches in the capital of Abu Dhabi. Likewise, the Dubai emirate has allowed the Vicariate of St. Mary to establish a school run by our very own Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres. In this setting, one can share the Word to the whole world without active preaching — through lives lived as Christians.
       Coincidentally, when I wrote this article almost a year ago, the Gospel reading was John 21:1-14. It’s about the Apostles catching 153 large fish, believed to be the total number of species in the earth’s seas (representing humanity). Like them, who were commanded to be fishers of all men, we Christians are given the same mission.
       I try to share God’s Word — Jesus — to whoever is receptive in the global human sea that is present here. Grace Princesa
Reflection: Do you maximize the opportunities that the Holy Spirit presents to you in telling fellow pilgrims about the Resurrected Christ?
Lord, as St. Francis prayed, may I preach about You, and talk if I must.
St. George, martyr, patron of England, pray for us.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Do Not Forget Them - Carry no grudge but learn from the experience

It has been said correctly that there are 3 different kinds of people you should not forget.

1. The people who helped you when you were in difficult times.
2. The people who left you when you were in difficult times.
3. The people who put you in difficult times. :)

Carry no grudge but learn from the experience.

“Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning.” (Rick Warren) - Daily Bible Reflections April 22,2015

“Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” – John 6:35
       In a scene from the movie Major League, two teammates are on a plane together: Eddie, a Christian, and Pedro, a recent convert to the occult. It’s a rough flight due to a thunderstorm. Loud thunder shakes the plane, and Pedro, fearing the worst, makes the sign of the cross. Seeing this, Eddie utters, “Oh, now you come around!”
       The scene was hilarious. But it also unwittingly portrayed a somber reality. It’s not uncommon that there are people who only reach out to God when they need to be saved from a bad situation; or when they are totally helpless, begging for a miracle; or worse, on their last days. The rest of their lives, they simply forget God.
       For sure, our ever merciful God will minister to them as He pleases. But these people are missing out on what it means to have a real life relationship with God — one built on faith, hope and love. It’s a grace available to them 24/7 and made possible only through Jesus.
       Let’s pray and work that they get to know and receive Him before it’s too late. Erwin Roceles (erwin_roceles@yahoo.com)
Reflection: “Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning.” (Rick Warren)
Dear Jesus, I’m forever grateful for all that You are to me. And most of all, thank You for the gift of eternal life. I pray that others will get to know and receive You — so that they, too, may be saved.
St. Adalbert of Prague, pray for us.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

You can attract misery, debt, anxiety, and conflict in your life. How? By what you do, how you think, and what you say - God Whispers April 21,2015

You can attract misery, debt, anxiety, and conflict in your life. How? By what you do, how you think, and what you say.

Reject the negative,

P.S. It’s really your choice

What are you hungry for? How do you satisfy it? - Daily Bible Reflections April 21,2015

“Whoever comes to me will never hunger…” – John 6:35
       My blood sugar level is elevated and I’ve been taking maintenance medicine for it. So, for a few years now,  I’ve been trying to control my intake of sweets and starchy food.
         For some time, I was able to control it.
         No soda. No junk food. Less rice. Only fruits for breakfast.
         No dinner except vegetable juice.
         But then the busy season at work came too soon this year.
        We had a lot of company-wide activities that took some days off from work.
        My responsibilities at work increased.
         I received freelance jobs regularly.
        And the consequence?
        No more time to prepare good food at home.
        Less sleep.
        No time for exercise.
         Less time for prayer and reflection.
        And cravings, which I tried to satisfy with bad food, surfaced again.
        Deep within, I know what or who I’m hungry for — God. He’s the only One who can truly satisfy my cravings. Tess V. Atienza (theresa.a@shepherdsvoice.com.ph)
Reflection: What are you hungry for? How do you satisfy it?
Lord, grant me the grace to pause amidst the busyness of life. Help me to crave for You more and more.
St. Anselm, bishop and doctor of the Church, pray for us.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Who are you called to bring salvation to today? - Daily Bible Reflections April 20,2015

When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they themselves got into boats and came to Capernaum looking for Jesus. – John 6:24
       When a well-meaning chap asks, “Are you saved? Receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior in your heart, then you will go to heaven,” he’s saying a good thing. But it’s not complete and biblical.
       A Christian public school teacher, who sacrificially serves poor children, brings salvation from ignorance to illiterate kids. George, who runs a soup kitchen, is bringing salvation from hunger to the “scums of the street.” The fresh medical graduate, who sets aside two years to be a missionary doctor, is giving tribal people salvation from pain and sickness. The mother who embraces her five-year-old boy to shield him from the beating of his alcoholic father brings her son salvation from abuse. The lawyer who defends in court an honest government worker from the false accusations of corrupt politicians brings to his friend salvation from injustice.
       But isn’t spiritual salvation more important than all the other forms of salvation? Friend, I have news for you: For God, all are important. Because all these areas involve you!
       People are looking for Jesus. May they find Him when they find you bringing authentic “salvation.” Jon Escoto (faithatworkjon@gmail.com)
Reflection: Who are you called to bring salvation to today?
Father, show me whom You would want me to bring salvation to today.
St. Beuno, abbot, pray for us.

Friday, April 17, 2015

God’s mercy is scandalous. But let’s not mock it by persisting in our sins - Daily Bible Reflections April 17,2015

“If... it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them….” – Acts 5:39
       The story of Stanley Villavicencio’s miraculous healing and encounter with Jesus will be difficult for cynics to question. One of the doctors assigned to him, a board topnotcher at that, entered the seminary and is now a priest. All because he witnessed the miracle himself! And Stanley lived for 20 more years to witness and proclaim around the world the Divine Mercy of God.
       Here’s a gist for those who do not know Stanley’s story: He was clinically dead for three days during which time, he was face to face with Jesus who confronted him with his life. Jesus told him to go back to earth and spread His Divine Mercy. Meanwhile, his kin were making burial arrangements when, all of a sudden, he came back to life.
       They said you will know if something is from the Lord by its fruits. Well, his life testimony bore hundreds of conversions and miracles. As a verse from today’s reading goes, “If... it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them….” Cristy Galang (cristy_cc@yahoo.com)
Reflection: God’s mercy is scandalous. But let’s not mock it by persisting in our sins.
Jesus the Divine Mercy, I trust in You. Please give me the grace to spread Your mercy to others while the time of judgment has not yet come, because no one can escape Your judgment. Let all turn to You now while it is still Your era of mercy. Amen.
St. Katéri Tekakwitha, virgin, pray for us.

Be positive. Think positive and live positive. A new day is always a promise of the best things to come

Be positive. Think positive and live positive. A new day is always a promise of the best things to come. It is a an other opportunity to make things right, and heal old wounds. Refresh friendships and correct mistakes. With this in mind make sure you do not waste this new day.

Francis Kong

Seek out the “uncomfortable” places, not just what’s convenient for you. Outside your comfort zone are where others need you the most - God Whispers April 17,2015

Seek out the “uncomfortable” places, not just what’s convenient for you. Outside your comfort zone are where others need you the most.

Stretch yourself,

P.S. If I did what was only comfortable, where would you be?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Remember to seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will follow - Daily Bible Reflections April 16,2015

“We must obey God rather than men.” – Acts 5:29
       Obeying laws of men should be good and proper. They’re designed to protect the welfare of everyone.
       Pleasing people isn’t totally bad. We should be kind and nice to others. Tolerance is a big word nowadays to respect and accommodate others’ beliefs and way of life.
       Yet there comes a time when pleasing and obeying men’s laws will run in conflict with God’s laws and His Divine will. This is especially so with moral issues. And you have to make a choice.
         Time and again I find myself in this predicament. I try to find a “win-win” situation, a compromise, where I hope to serve and please both. But there comes a time when you have to choose only one — God or man.
       If and when it comes to that, there should be no contest at all. For if you choose man and drop God, you lose everything.
       While if you seek God first and His righteousness, everything else shall be added unto you. Alvin Barcelona (apb_ayo@yahoo.
Reflection: Are you making a decision to choose between God and man? Is it about love, career, finances or ministry? Remember to seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will follow.
Father in heaven, grant me the grace to seek You and put You first in every decision I make. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
St. Bernadette Soubirous, virgin, pray for us.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

What is your image of Jesus? - Daily Bible Reflections April 15,2015

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. – John 3:17
         I’m still on my journey of correcting my image of Jesus. Growing up, I imagined Jesus scolding the Apostles. He did say to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan.” And to think they were close. How hurtful, I thought.
         So it was difficult for me to think of Jesus as a friend. Sometimes I’d be scared that He’d get mad at me for being wrong. The result? I became the kind of God I worshipped. I was harsh on myself, waiting to commit a mistake so I could blame myself. This extended to how I treated the people around me.
       But Jesus came not to condemn me but to save me, love me, defend me, heal me. Today, I try to listen to more talks describing how loving Jesus is. Today, I try to be more sensitive to the faces of Jesus around me in compassionate and forgiving people. In friends who often ask for nothing in return.
       After all, even after three betrayals, Jesus didn’t return screaming mad at Peter. He didn’t even ask for an apology. In fact, He even trusted Peter to take care of His flock.
       Today, slowly and steadily, my relationship with Jesus is improving. Carlo Lorenzo (carloflorenzo@yahoo.com)
Reflection: What is your image of Jesus?
Holy Spirit, help me strengthen and deepen my relationship with Jesus and help me see Him always as my merciful, compassionate and forgiving Lord and Savior.
Blessed Caesar de Bus, pray for us.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

“The word of God is like a two-edged sword, which is living and effective.” (Hebrews 4:12) - Daily Bible Reflections April 14,2015

With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all. – Acts 4:33
       “Remember that it is the Lord your God who gives You the power to acquire wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18),” I reminded our group that was meeting to set up a new business. We were all excited at the prospects and the opportunities ahead.
       Success was not yet in our hands but we were predicting our future by claiming God’s promises. Additionally, the Spirit led me to 2 Chronicles15:7 that says, “Be strong and do not relax, for your work shall be rewarded.” That made our spirits rise even higher and strengthened our resolve to work harder so that God could make good on His promises.
       We also imagined ourselves 10 years down the road, already successful in the business. We would ascribe our successes to God before all our employees and other stakeholders of the business.
       These exercises are part of enjoying the Holy Spirit’s gift of prophecy. With this gift and God’s promises, we know that “toward the faithful, You are faithful” (Psalm 18:25). Even now we know our business will flourish, and we claim it in Jesus’ name. Donna España (donna@homeliving.com.ph)
Reflection: “The word of God is like a two-edged sword, which is living and effective.” (Hebrews 4:12)
I trust in You, Lord, to guide my plans with Your word. Amen.
Blessed Peter Gonzalez, pray for us.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Don’t let the heaviness of the thought of confession keep you from availing of the sacrament. Focus on the lightness and grace you will feel as a result of it - Daily Bible Reflections April 9,2015

Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away… and that the Lord may grant you times of refreshment... – Acts 3:19-20
       Holy Week during my childhood days were not easy days. They were filled with rituals I could hardly understand. We were asked to obey rules that didn’t seem to make sense. (Why couldn’t we take a bath if Jesus was dead? And it was almost always at the peak of summer heat.) All that didn’t give “holy” a positive association in my mind.
         Thankfully, I understand a bit better now.
       The times when we fall into sin and feel guilty may sometimes feel like my childhood Holy Week — heavy and oppressive. And yet, after an honest-to-goodness Holy Week, after repenting and/or going to confession, there is a beautiful sense of freedom and lightness of being.
       Many of us probably need to rethink about repentance and conversion. Our turning from sin to new life, from darkness to light, will bring a fresh new wind into our lives. Let us welcome this great grace and opportunity. Joy Sosoban-Roa (jsosoban@gmail.com)
Reflection: Don’t let the heaviness of the thought of confession keep you from availing of the sacrament. Focus on the lightness and grace you will feel as a result of it.
Dearest Father, You open Your arms wide for those who return to You sincerely. Help me to remember this so that I will always run back to You when I sin.
St. Casilda, pray for us.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Do you help and pull others up, or push and keep others down? - Daily Bible Reflections April 8,2015

Then Peter took him by the right hand and raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles grew strong. – Acts 3:7
        He seemed like he had some bottled-up personal issues. I listened as he opened up his concerns and frustrations, even if we didn’t know each other well. In turn, I shared my experiences with him, introduced him to a mentor and to a group who may be able to help him.
       Months later, he sent me a message telling me that he was doing loads better. He thanked me profusely, saying how big a help I was and how his newfound friends were such a blessing to him. I think I didn’t do anything extraordinary. But for this person, it meant a lot.
       How many times do we brush off listening to people who ask us for help or advice? How often do we make light of the problems of others and even make it worse by joking about them?
       Offer your right hand just as Peter did. Raise others up instead of putting them down. It might be exactly the help they need to live a life for the Lord. Jun Asis (mabuting.balita@gmail.com)
Reflection: Do you help and pull others up, or push and keep others down?
Lord, give me the grace to be Your Hand that helps, raises and cares for the people I encounter today.
St. Julie Billiart, pray for us.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Who are your stone rollers? Thank God for sending them to you - Daily Bible Reflections April 4,2015

When they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back; it was very large. – Mark 16:3-4
       I tell people my driver’s license has a restriction: I’m only allowed todrive up to Alabang. That’s just my excuse for not driving far. It becomes a stone block when we have events in distant places. My usual stone roller is Emy, who’s so generous in driving for our group.
       There are many stones that hinder our path. Most are small like my “driving disability.” Some are medium-sized like the difficulty of my co-servant in carrying around her son with cerebral palsy. Her stone roller was a Caring Group mate who bought the boy a wheelchair.
       Others are extremely large that they seem immovable. James Ward is a homeless youth who got accepted to Howard University but couldn’t afford the tuition. His stone roller was Jessica Sutherland, a volunteer at the homeless shelter, who launched an online movement to raise his tuition money. The campaign spread like wildfire. It was picked up by the Ellen DeGeneres show where James was given a $25,000 check and a $10,000 gift certificate.
       Like the women who visited Jesus’ tomb, we wonder how we can move the obstacles that face us. Trust that God always sends angels to roll away those stones. Lella M. Santiago (lellams88@gmail.com)
Reflection: Who are your stone rollers? Thank God for sending them to you.
Lord, thank You for the people You send to help carry my load.
St. Isidore of Seville, bishop and doctor of the Church, pray for us.

Friday, April 3, 2015

“He took the fall and thought of you above all.” (from the song “Above All”) - Daily Bible Reflections April 3,2015

“For this I was born and for this I came into the world…” – John 18:37
       Woah! When I found out that today’s reflection was assigned to me, I was a bit overwhelmed with the responsibility of reflecting on probably the second most important event in our faith-history next to the Resurrection — Christ’s death. So, with self-imposed pressure, I started pulling out books, researching, reading, and thinking deeply for hours, but to no avail. I was still stumped on what to write.
      Then, as if to shame me lovingly for my complicated, concerted efforts, Jesus whispered to me these two simple words that I believe sum up all that He wanted to communicate by His ghastly ordeal on Calvary. He simply said, “FOR YOU.”    Those two words described the ultimate purpose and beneficiary of His gruesome death. Those two words consumed Him on His way to Calvary that included several suffering-filled sidetrips. Those two words convinced Him that it was all worth it.
       Arrested for you. Mocked for you. Spat on for you.
       Scourged for you. Crowned with thorns for you. Humiliated for you.
       Crucified for you. Pierced for you. Died for you.
       All because He loves you. Mike Viñas (mikemichaelfcv@yahoo.com)
Reflection: “He took the fall and thought of you above all.” (from the song “Above All”)
Jesus, thank You for dying for me. Now, I live for You.
St. Benedict the African, pray for us.

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