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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Lord, protect us from envy. Keep our hearts close to You. We trust in Your good plans for us - Daily Bible Reflections July 12, 2017

“Go to Joseph and do whatever he told them.” – Genesis 41:55
        Envy led the brothers of Joseph to sell him as a slave. It was also envy that led to Jesus’ crucifixion. Today, envy leads to the killing of one’s reputation and good name. When people are envious, they kill their brother and sister with their tongues or with their words through malicious gossip.
         We need to guard our hearts for envy can creep to us subtly. We can be tempted to envy our brother or sister when they are promoted, when they do better than us in their families and careers, when they receive the things we want for ourselves.
       Instead of feeling envious, we should be inspired. These people deserve their reward because of their hard work, faithfulness and obedience. They are blessed because they follow God’s will for their lives. The Holy Spirit teaches us to be happy for other people when they are blessed. Their success are good examples for us to follow. When we do our best in what God has called us to do and when we follow His ways, He also has His own reward in store for us. Marjorie Duterte (marjorie.travels@gmail.com)
Reflection:“I too, invite myself — and everyone — to see if, in my heart, there is any jealousy, any envy, which always leads to death and doesn’t make me happy; because this sickness always leads us to regard the good others possess as if it were against us. And this is an ugly sin. It is the beginning of many, many crimes.” (Pope Francis)
Lord, protect us from envy. Keep our hearts close to You. We trust in Your good plans for us.
St. John Jones, priest and martyr, pray for us.

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