The word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time. – Jonah 3:1
“Agaaaainnnn??? You failed to do it again???”
This question of exasperation came out of my lips the nth time during the thick of our preparations for a major church event in the archdiocese.
A committee head had not been performing his duties resulting in delays of other activities. Impatience made my blood boil once again since I was the overall coordinator. I was truly annoyed.
As I read today’s reading, it hit me that the Lord had given Jonah a second chance to do his task.
Just as the Lord had given the prophet another chance, so does He give me repeated opportunites to do away with my impatience. He could have screamed “Again???” but He did not. Instead, with love and gentleness, He corrects me.
Indeed, the Lord is “a merciful and loving God, slow to anger” (Psalm 86:15). Danny Tariman (
Has someone repeatedly offended you? Before you deny that person of your forgiveness, check if you committed the same sin over again.
Forgive me, Lord, for losing my patience countless times. Please give me another chance. Amen.
St. Oswald, pray for us.